Independent American Center of Political Monitoring

Who We Are


IACOPM is a not for profit nongovernmental organization established in 2005 as a cooperation of scholars, attorneys and other experts to monitor elections in the countries of former Soviet Block. We believe that genuine democratic elections are necessary for truly democratic governance and the means through which people freely express their will on a basis of established law.  The right to vote is a legal foundation for the people to express their free will.


IACOPM is focused on political monitoring and monitoring, research and analysis in the field of human rights, as well as promotion of democracy and the rule of law on the national and international level. Our experts study and compare the electoral and human rights legislation of a given country and the government's adherence to the legislation and to the international human rights principles.  We work closely with other international organizations and experts from Israel, Germany, Great Britain and other countries of the EU.

Independent American Center of Political Monitoring




Offices in Broken Arrow, OK and Dallas, TX




Kazakhstan Presidential Elections 2005


Ukraine Parliamentary Elections 2006


Ukraine Parliamentary Elections 2007


Georgia Presidential Elections 2008


Ukraine Parliamentary Elections 2009


Ukraine Presidential Elections 2010


Armenia Parliamentary Elections 2012


Ukraine Parliamentary Elections 2012